Posted by: hopereigns | April 1, 2008

April 1, 2008

Well, what a whirlwind of a month and nothing done in March to show! But, nonetheless, the 3Day Org Walk has been ever present on my lips and in my prayers. Today being the first day of a new month, I would like to ask you to please keep me in prayer as I go forward in heading up and forming a new team for the walk,  HopeReigns.  My goal originally was to do 2 walks, San Franscico and Tampa.  But, Reality has set in.(Yes, Reality with a capital R!) the tumor now eating through my spine has decided to rear its ugly head and has kept me occupied with other daily details. And my dear old faithful laptop computer is biting the dust fast. At present, I spend 3-4 hours daily just trying to keep it up and running.  So if anyone reading this blog, knows of any organization willing to donate a laptop, new or used(but in good running order), then please send them my way!

Team Goal:  A whopping $10,000 plus!!!  Individual goals: (a must) Minimum $2200. each.  Registration Goal: $90.(ASAP)

Heads Up!  Looking for Corporate Walk Sponsors.

Please take a few moments and check out some  favorite links I have added and hope to continue to add.  Some are for Breast Cancer, the Walk, and other related links.  Some are for Healthy Living. Some are for testimonials. And some are just because I want to share them with you!

Posted by: hopereigns | March 10, 2008

The Journey Begins! HopeReigns 3Day Team!
